Montreux Riviera Gourmet Tour
Drink, eat, discover: these three words form the common thread running through the Montreux Riviera Gourmet Tour, a series of programs where we meet men and women eager to share their love of gastronomy, wine or culture.
Discover the episodes
Broadcasting from November 18, 2023
Episode 13
Martial Neyroud, La Galerie, Alimentarium
Episode 12
Le Montagnard, Vogel Vins, Dolce Riviera
Episode 11
Chalet du Mont-Pélerin, Lavaux Panoramic, Maison Obrist
Episode 10
Cave L’Abbatiale, Times Grill, Alimentarium
Episode 9
MOB – Vevey – Les Pléiades, La Galerie, Amstein SA
Episode 8
Lavaux Panoramic, La Cave des Rois, La Châ
Episode 7
La Toveyre, Auberge de la Cergniaulaz, MOB GPX
Episode 6
Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, Le Safran & Freddie Tours
Episode 5
La Maison Obrist, La Ferme 1806, Le Fort de Chillon
Episode 4
Auberge de la Cergniaulaz, MOB GoldenPass Express, Maison Massy
Episode 3
AMSTEIN SA, EMOTIONS par Guy Ravet, Vevey Noël
Episode 2
Restaurant de la Châ, La Maison Massy, La maison du Père Noël
Episode 1
Montreux Riviera, Châtonneyre, Jérôme Aké Béda